The Vampire Diaries Seasons 1 to 8 - The Complete Collection Blu-Ray

Tuotenro: D10780
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Teini-ikäisestä Elena Gilbertistä (Nina Dobrev) ja ei-ikäisistä vampyyriveljeksistä Stefanista (Paul Wesley) ja Damon Salvatoresta (Ian Somerhalder) kertovan yhdysvaltalaisen draamasarjan kaikki kahdeksan tuotantokautta. Kauden 1 jaksot ovat: "Pilotti", "Komeetan yö", "Perjantai-illan puremat", "Perhesiteet", "Olet minulle epäkuollut", "Kadonneet tytöt", "Haunted", "162 kynttilää", "Historiaa toistetaan", "Käännekohta", "Verilinjat", "Unpleasantville", 'Children of the Damned', 'Fool Me Once', 'A Good Few Men', 'There Goes the Neighbourhood', 'Let the Right One In', 'Under Control', 'Miss Mystic Falls', 'Blood Brothers', 'Isobel' ja 'Founder's Day'. Kauden 2 jaksot ovat: 'Paluu', 'Uljas uusi maailma', 'Bad Moon Rising', 'Memory Lane', 'Kill Or Be Killed', 'Plan B', 'Masquerade', 'Rose', 'Katerina', 'The Sacrifice', 'By the Light of the Moon', "The Descent", "Daddy Issues", "Crying Wolf", "The Dinner Party", "The House Guest", "Know Thy Enemy", "The Last Dance", "Klaus", "The Last Day", "The Sun Also Rises" ja "As I Lay Dying". Kauden 3 jaksot ovat: 'The Birthday', 'The Hybrid', 'The End of the Affair', 'Disturbing Behaviour', 'The Reckoning', 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', 'Ghost World', 'Ordinary People', 'Homecoming', 'The New Deal', 'Our Town', "The Ties That Bind", "Bringing Out the Dead", "Dangerous Liaisons", "All My Children", "1912", "Break On Through", "The Murder of One", "Heart of Darkness", "Do Not Go Gentle", "Before Sunset" ja "The Departed". Kauden 4 jaksot ovat: kausi 1: "Growing Pains", "Memorial", "The Rager", "The Five", "The Killer", "We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes", "My Brother's Keeper", "We'll Always Have Bourbon Street", "O Come, All Ye Faithful", "After School Special", "Catch Me If You Can", 'A View to Kill', 'Into the Wild', 'Down the Rabbit Hole', 'Stand By Me', 'Bring It On', 'Because the Night', 'American Gothic', 'Pictures of You', 'The Originals', 'She's Come Undone', 'The Walking Dead' ja 'Graduation'. Kauden 5 jaksot ovat: 'Tiedän, mitä teit viime kesänä', 'True Lies', 'Original Sin', 'Kenelle kello soi', 'Monster's Ball', 'Handle With Care', 'Kuolema ja neito', 'Kuollut mies kampuksella', 'The Cell', 'Fifty Shades of Grayson', "500 Years of Solitude", "The Devil Inside", "Total Eclipse of the Heart", "No Exit", "Gone Girl", "While You Were Sleeping", "Rescue Me", "Resident Evil", "Man On Fire", "What Lies Beneath", "Promised Land" ja "Home". Kuudennen kauden jaksot ovat: 'I'll Remember', 'Yellow Ledbetter', 'Welcome to Paradise', 'Black Hole Sun', 'The World Has Turned and Left Me Here', 'The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get', 'Do You Remember the First Time?', 'Fade Into You', 'I Alone', 'Christmas Through Your Eyes', 'Woke Up With a Monster', 'Prayer for the Dying', 'The Day I Tried to Live', 'Stay', 'Let Her Go', 'The Downward Spiral', 'A Bird in a Gilded Cage', 'I Never Could Love Like That', 'Because', 'I'd Leave My Happy Home For You', 'I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime' ja 'I'm Thinking of You All the While'. Kauden 7 jaksot ovat: "Päivä yksi kahdestakymmenestäkahdestatuhannesta, enemmän tai vähemmän", "Älä koskaan päästä minua menemään", "Viattomuuden aika", "Kannan sydämesi mukanani", "Elä tämän läpi", "Parasta kylmänä", "Mommie Dearest", "Pidä minua, jännitä minua, suutele minua", "Kylmää kuin jää", "Helvetti on muut ihmiset", "Things We Lost in the Fire", 'Postcards from the Edge', 'This Woman's Work', 'Moonlight On the Bayou', 'I Would for You', 'Days of Future Past', 'I Went to the Woods', 'One Way Or Another', 'Somebody That I Used to Know', 'Kill 'Em All', 'Requiem for a Dream' ja 'Gods and Monsters'. Kauden 8 jaksot ovat: 'Hello, Brother', 'Today Will Be Different', 'You Decided That I Was Worth Saving', 'An Eternity of Misery', 'Coming Home Was a Mistake', 'Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell', 'The Next Time I Hurt Somebody Somebody, It Could Be You', 'We Have History Together', 'The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch', 'The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch', 'Nostalgia's a B****', 'You Made a Choice to Be Good', 'What Are You?', 'The Lies Will Catch Up to You', 'It's Been a Hell of a Ride', 'We're Planning a June Wedding' ja 'I Was Feeling Epic'.

Puhutut kielet: Englanti

Tekstitys: Englanti Englanti,Brasilia,Portugali,Suomi,Ranska,Ruotsi
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